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Guest Commentary

June 24, 2019

tMHFA is a “Game Changer” Yes

I’ve never been embarrassed or felt shame about catching a cold or getting the flu. I remember having countless sports…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 19, 2019

The Importance of teen Mental Health First Aid

I have been a counselor for 15 years and have watched teens struggle with anxiety and depression. I have lost…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 14, 2019

Breaking the Misconceptions of Mental Health

Valley High School has been a part of the wellness movement for a couple years here in Las Vegas but…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
May 29, 2019

Cowboy Up: How Mental Health First Aid Helped Oklahoma Farmers

There is nothing more terrifying than seeing a wall of flames stretching from horizon to horizon, headed toward your home…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Rural Communities
May 28, 2019

Mental Health: Teach it Young

I was eight when my wonderful, tall, partially-bald-with-scant-red-hair dad with a smile that could light up a room died. His…

Depression, Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Youth Mental Health
May 22, 2019

The Question Forever: Why?

Annika was a beautiful soul we were blessed to have in our lives. She was a straight-A student, a musician…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Suicide, Youth Mental Health
May 21, 2019

Living With my Brother’s Addiction Yes

It was the spring of 2009. I was preparing to graduate from college with my undergraduate degree when I received…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Opioid Epidemic, Substance Use
May 20, 2019

The Day My Whole Life Changed

August 23, 2011, is a day that I will never forget. It was the day my brother took his life…

Depression, Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Suicide...
May 16, 2019

Supporting My Husband Through His Panic Attacks

My husband had his first panic attack in his late 40s when he was driving – alone – through a…

Anxiety, Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News
April 24, 2019

Aetna Behavioral Health – Serving Members Through Mental Health First…

Aetna Behavioral Health is taking Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) everywhere the company has a reach – including behavioral health…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Workplace
April 16, 2019

Saving One Life at a Time: One Ambassador for Mental…

If you ask Shelley Leaphart-Williams what drives her seven-year run as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor, she’ll answer with…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News
March 25, 2019

Is Addiction a Choice?

Science has confirmed that addiction is a chronic brain disease that can happen to anyone. Despite this, there is still…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Opioid Epidemic, Substance Use