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Youth Mental Health First Aid for Tribal Communities and Indigenous Peoples

Confidently recognize and respond to an Indigenous adolescent between ages 12 and 18 who may be experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge or crisis.

Adolescence is a time of critical change and development, and a time when mental health challenges may emerge. Provide a strong connection and early intervention with a course designed to acknowledge and honor Tribal communities’ practices.


Learn more: download the Youth MHFA for Tribal Communities and Indigenous Peoples one-pager.

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The National Council for Mental Wellbeing and Mental Health First Aid USA gratefully acknowledge the tremendous efforts of those involved in the development of this community-specific course, which spanned 2017–2022 and included pilot courses, surveys, focus groups and curriculum review.

Mental Health Matters in Tribal Communities and Indigenous Peoples

The Indian Health Service declared alcohol and substance abuse the leading health problem among American Indians.
of Native Americans reported experiencing discrimination in a health care setting, and 15% avoided seeking health care because of anticipated discrimination.
of Indigenous youth have experienced or are experiencing severe mental distress.

How Youth MHFA for Tribal Communities and Indigenous Peoples Can Help

Reduces stigma.
Teaches adults how to respond to common mental health and substance use challenges among youth in tribal and indigenous communities.
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Teaches learners self-care techniques and promotes wellbeing.
Helps find social support networks and appropriate resources.

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To read more about how Mental Health First Aid is helping critical populations,
check out our case studies , or read our blog and filter by population type.

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