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Mental Health First Aid
for Adults

Mental Health First Aid for Adults teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18 and older, how to offer and provide initial help, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, psychosis, and addictions. Learn more: download the MHFA for Adults one-pager

This course is also available in Spanish.
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Why Mental Health Matters for Adults

1 in 5
One in five American adults experience a mental health disorder in a single year.
Almost half of all American adults will experience a mental illness during the course of their lifetime.
20 m+
More than 20 million Americans ages 12 and older will face an addiction.

How Mental Health First Aid for Adults Can Help

Addresses common mental health concerns encountered by adults.
Reduces stigma.
Teaches strategies for family members, friends and peers to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health or substance use challenges and offer support.
Offers self-help strategies for staying mentally well.
Video: Be the One to Make a Difference

Learn More

To read more about how Mental Health First Aid is helping critical populations,
check out our case studies , or read our blog and filter by population type.