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Caring for the Whole Person: Body, Mind and Soul

July 13, 2018
For more than a decade, I was a global advocate for people living with HIV/AIDS. Sadly, I grew accustomed to people whispering in my ear, “I’m HIV positive.” They didn’t say it aloud because the stigma was deep and profound....
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Addressing Mental Health is Critical to Treating Physical Illness

July 11, 2018
Unless you’ve experienced it firsthand, it’s nearly impossible to understand the emotional impact receiving a poor physical prognosis can have on someone. This unfortunate circumstance can bring on a multitude of different feelings, including denial, regret and frustration. It can...
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Is Social Media Impacting Youth Depression?

July 6, 2018
This article originally appeared on Read it here. In July 2017, my 20-year-old son’s best friend, Jack, took his own life. Jack had battled depression in the past. At the time his parent’s sought counseling and Jack seemed to be...
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5 Self-Help Strategies for Depression

July 2, 2018
In 2016, an estimated 16.2 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode – 6.7 percent of all U.S. adults. But with appropriate professional and self-help strategies, recovery from depression is possible. Self-help for depression...
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New York and Virginia Pave the Way with Mental Health Education Laws

June 29, 2018
For years, most states have mandated that schools provide physical health education. This year, New York and Virginia will be the first two states to pass laws that require mental health education, too. Mental health education will be integrated into...
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3 Tips for Talking – and Listening – to Your Anxious Teen

June 22, 2018
This piece was originally published on Read it here. The teenage years are a time of gaining independence and self-discovery. Teenagers are searching for their place at home, at school and in the world at large. They are learning about romantic...
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How Youth Mental Health First Aid Dispels Myths About Suicide

June 20, 2018
With the recent suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, suicide prevention and mental health awareness are a significant part of the daily news cycle. As someone who has been affected personally by suicides, I am hopeful that the more...
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6 Ways to Improve Your Non-verbal Communication Skills

June 18, 2018
A lot can be said without words in a face-to-face conversation. Often, our non-verbal communication—our facial expressions, body posture, eye contact, etc.—speaks loudest. These non-verbal cues play a huge role in how our words and intentions are interpreted. Good non-verbal...
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Honoring Spade and Bourdain: Help Prevent Suicide With Mental Health First Aid

June 15, 2018
In a week that was marred by tragedy, the world lost two icons: Designer Kate Spade on June 5 and chef Anthony Bourdain on June 8, both from apparent suicide. Spade and Bourdain’s deaths have sent shock waves throughout the...
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Depression and Opioid Use Go Hand in Hand

June 14, 2018
Did you know that more than 40 percent of people who live with addiction also have another mental health challenge of some kind? It’s no surprise that the correlation between mental health and drug use is extremely connected and it’s...
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Stress vs. Anxiety – Knowing the Difference Is Critical to Your Health

June 8, 2018
Most people experience stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Depending on the level of severity, they can detrimentally impact one’s quality of life. Although stress and anxiety share many of the same emotional and physical symptoms –...
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Talk About It: Breaking the Stigma of Addiction and Mental Illness

June 6, 2018
As a flight attendant, Julie found herself drawn to the international nightlife, drinking at bars in London, cafes in Paris and pubs in Ireland. “It all sounds so glamorous, but near the end, most of my drinking was done alone...
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