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How You Can #BeTheDifference in National Recovery Month

September 4, 2018
September is National Recovery Month and Mental Health First Aid can be the first step on the road to recovery. You can literally #BeTheDifference in someone’s life by knowing how to understand, recognize and respond to someone experiencing a mental...
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The Many Faces of Mental Illness

August 28, 2018
The face of mental illness can be deceptive, hidden behind big smiles, wide eyes and exuberant expressions forced into place to avoid detection. Millions of people every day wear a rehearsed look of “all is right with the world.” Many...
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3 Self-Care Tips to Cope With A Culture of Violence

August 20, 2018
Just a year ago, shocking images of the racially-charged riots in Charlottesville dominated the airwaves. Now, in Chicago, citizens have endured weeks of unprecedented brutality and we have shared their horror on television, in newspapers and streaming online. As second-hand...
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Grad Students and Their Mental Health

August 14, 2018
“It’s probably not a big deal. I’m probably overreacting,” thought Sara, a graduate student at the University of Michigan, when her dark thoughts were not going away. She was sitting in her university’s counseling center at the time (What colleges...
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Mental Health First Aid In New York City’s Muslim Community

August 10, 2018
“Hello, I am the protective factor,” was the unorthodox greeting I recently received following congregational prayer in my local mosque. The elderly gentleman who approached me was a participant in a Mental Health First Aid class a few weeks prior....
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Teachers are Making a Difference in Student Health with Mental Health First Aid

August 10, 2018
Mental health is an issue that touches teachers and school administrators in their work across the country. ThriveNYC has teamed up with the Department of Education and the Department of Health to train school faculty and staff in Mental Health...
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Every Eye Closed, Every Head Bowed

August 10, 2018
“If you see something, say something” became a popular slogan in the aftermath of 9/11; however, my eyes bore witness to a number of situations that remained unspoken for more than nine or eleven years. Raised in a ginormous, loving,...
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Guest Commentary from Chirlane McCray, First Lady of New York

August 9, 2018
I grew up in a home where quiet was abundant. My parents loved me and my siblings and they worked hard to give us opportunities they never had. But there were no lively dinnertime conversations, bedtime stories, banter in the...
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5 Things to Know for Supporting a Loved One Living with Bipolar Disorder

August 8, 2018
Your patience and understanding will make all the difference in your loved one’s bipolar disorder treatment and recovery—these tried and true tips can help you be their source of empowerment and strength. If you have a friend, family member or...
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15 Activities for Your Summer Self-Care Checklist

July 31, 2018
Summer is a great time to think about self-care. With long sunny days and warmer weather, there are more opportunities than ever to switch up your routine and enjoy what the season has to offer. Use our self-care checklist to...
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Depression in Older Adults: How to Help

July 25, 2018
Our beloved America is in constant mourning over the many people who have lost their lives to suicide. From celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain to fashion icon, Kate Spade; we think we know our family and friends so well, but do...
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4 Things to Know About Depression in Men

July 23, 2018
The Rock. Prince Harry. Logic. Ryan Reynolds. Michael Phelps. Kevin Love. Brandon Marshall. These famous men have courageously opened up about their struggles with a silent illness that’s eschewed when it comes to traditional masculinity: Depression. Depression in men is a...
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