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First Lady Highlights Mental Health First Aid as Key to Shifting the Conversation on Mental Health

March 5, 2015
First Lady Michelle Obama yesterday called on the nation to “flip the script” on mental health by breaking through the silence and stigma surrounding these conditions. Obama gave a ringing endorsement to Mental Health First Aid as a key tool...
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New facility to help struggling beaches residents

March 5, 2015
A vision of Pastor Jerry Sweat with BEACH Church is becoming a reality for members of the beaches’ community who are struggling to make ends meet or have mental health issues. 03/05/2015 Link to Source
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Free mental health first aid classes: Gain the skills and confidence to help

March 5, 2015
Depression. Anxiety. Substance abuse. These are but a few of the mental health challenges people in Colorado struggle with every day. In fact, one out of five people you meet has struggled with a mental health or substance use problem...
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Police stepping up mental health training

March 5, 2015
The officer was able to de-escalate the situation and call in a juvenile detective, who had much greater knowledge of the dynamics of the issues. Before the new course of mental health training in Brookline, the outcome of this story...
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First Lady: Mental Health First Aid “Really Gives You The Skills You Need to Identify – And Ultimately Help – Someone In Need.”

March 4, 2015
A Statement by Linda Rosenberg, President and CEO of the National Council for Mental Wellbeing As First Lady Michelle Obama said today, “The National Council for Mental Wellbeing will be training three million people in Mental Health First Aid. I...
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Mental Health First Aid now in Northeast Florida, received Women’s Giving Alliance grant

March 4, 2015
An idea developed in Australia in 2001 as a way to help people in the early stages of mental health crisis — and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness — has found its way to Northeast Florida. 03/04/2015  Link...
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John George Psychiatric Hospital’s Dr. Scott Zeller Named USA’s Doctor of the Year by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing

March 3, 2015
Alameda Health System (AHS) announced that Dr. Scott Zeller has received the distinction of Doctor of the Year by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing (National Council). Dr. Zeller serves as the Chief of Psychiatric Emergency Services for John George...
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County health report shows improvement Identifies mental, oral health as priorities

March 3, 2015
Stokes County Health Director Scott Lenhart told the County Board of Commissioners Monday that the health of the county had improved in recent years. “There is a lot I would like to see done, but are we better than we were...
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Karen Abowd: Mental health vital to a healthy community

March 1, 2015
Quality of life is integral to a healthy community, and mental health services must not be omitted from that discussion. According to a national Health and Human Services survey, approximately 20 percent of adults (at least 18 years old) experienced...
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Shasta College to offer mental health first aid training

March 1, 2015
Call it CPR for the psyche. Shasta College will begin offering Mental Health First Aid training later this month. Students will learn how to identify the warning signs of a mental illness — whether an acute episode or the early signs...
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Reaching out to the mentally ill

February 28, 2015
“No one should ever be defined by an illness,” says Angela Adkins, executive director for DuPage NAMI, an affiliate of the National Alliance on Mental Illness. So, NAMI has been operating as a good Samaritan to the mentally ill and their...
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Group to hold training session on youth mental health first aid

February 27, 2015
Youth Dynamics helps Montana children and teens with behavioral or mental health issues. The ‘Youth Mental Health First Aid’ class is designed to teach individuals to better identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses. They prepare individuals to...
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