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Mental Health First Aid Act Introduced in the House

April 16, 2015
The Mental Health First Aid Act now has a companion bill in the House of Representatives. On Thursday, Representatives Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) and Doris Matsui (D-CA) introduced the Mental Health First Aid Act of 2015. This important legislation would provide...
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S.B. County’s Department of Behavioral Health sheds light on mental health

April 16, 2015
The San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) is working to remove the barriers that prevent people from seeking help for mental health concerns through its Prevention and Early Intervention programs. “It’s much easier to talk about the history of...
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We’ve got your back.

April 13, 2015
When I was eighteen, like many young folks, I left my hometown in the coal fields of West Virginia to pursue a college degree. Energized by the prospect of being independent, meeting new people, and following my passion for religion...
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We’ve got your back.

April 13, 2015
When I was eighteen, like many young folks, I left my hometown in the coal fields of West Virginia to pursue a college degree. Energized by the prospect of being independent, meeting new people, and following my passion for religion...
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We’ve got your back.

April 13, 2015
When I was eighteen, like many young folks, I left my hometown in the coal fields of West Virginia to pursue a college degree. Energized by the prospect of being independent, meeting new people, and following my passion for religion...
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Marshall County begins preparing for state budget cuts

April 13, 2015
The mental health services, which include counseling, advocacy, referral and telepsychiatry, are provided by North Central Behavioral Health Systems through a state grant that also assists neighboring Stark County, Donna Augustyn-Sloan told the board. 04/13/2015 Link to Source
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Local legislator champions mental health training for police

April 9, 2015
His parents, Chip and Gail, said their son had struggled with paranoid schizophrenia for more than two decades. They support LD 534, a bill proposed by Rep. Richard Malaby (R-Hancock) that would require 20 percent of the officers within a local...
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It’s time to change our thinking about those with mental illness

April 9, 2015
The process begins with establishing a relationship, and this alone can seem like a mind-bending proposition for many people. Downtown residents often ask, “How should I approach someone with signs of mental illness in order to offer help?” 04/09/2015  Link...
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Muslim Counselor Talks Trauma, Stigma And The Power Of Community

April 9, 2015
The counselor works with Muslim students at Penn and in the greater Philadelphia area, addressing the trauma and anxiety many experience as a result of Islamophobia and mental health stigma. HuffPost spoke with Rashad about the mental health challenges Muslims...
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San Diego County Announces Free Access To Mental Health First Aid Program

April 7, 2015
Cunningham talks openly about his struggles today. He said talk therapy and medication helped him tremendously. He also took a training called Mental Health First Aid.  04/07/2015  Link to Source
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Mental health is just as important

April 7, 2015
My niece Anna died just before Christmas after fighting an insidious disease for 10 years. She was 24. She had a great smile, always wanted to help others and loved her grandparents dearly. I’m sure many of you might be thinking...
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Police and the mentally ill: Albany death after Taser use raises training issue

April 6, 2015
Last week, lawmakers for the first time approved $1.5 million in state spending on training to improve police response to emotionally disturbed people during crises. Until now, such training has been sporadic. 04/06/2015 Link to Source
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