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New Local Council Raises Awareness for Suicide Prevention

May 23, 2015
The Suicide Prevention Awareness Council, or SPARC, is gearing up to host the SPARC of Hope Walk this October. The organization was started in part by a pair of sisters who were affected by suicide in the most personal of ways....
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Community Wellness: Board teaches ‘mental health disease no different from physical ailment’

May 23, 2015
Serving as a volunteer has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. The activities have run the gamut from schools, church, professional groups, political campaigns and organizations, and human service boards, among others....
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Rep. Jenkins Hosts Mental Health First Aid Briefing On Capitol Hill

May 22, 2015
This week, Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) and Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA) hosted a Mental Health First Aid briefing as part of Mental Health Awareness Month. “Mental Health First Aid training is an early-detection training program that is critical to removing the...
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National Council Hosts Mental Health First Aid Briefing

May 21, 2015
On Tuesday, the National Council hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill for Congressional staff, educating them on the benefits of Mental Health First Aid. The briefing, sponsored by Representatives Lynn Jenkins (R-KY) and Doris Matsui (D-CA), provided staff with an...
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National Council Hosts Mental Health First Aid Briefing

May 21, 2015
On Tuesday, the National Council hosted a briefing on Capitol Hill for Congressional staff, educating them on the benefits of Mental Health First Aid. The briefing, sponsored by Representatives Lynn Jenkins (R-KY) and Doris Matsui (D-CA), provided staff with an...
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Central offers mental health first aid training

May 21, 2015
“If we want our young people to be successful, we can’t just focus on academics. We have to focus on social and emotional needs of children,” she said. “The only way to do that well is to give everyone an...
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Tapia is first Black woman to head Cook County Jail

May 21, 2015
As the nation focuses on mental health during Mental Health Awareness Week, Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart announced Tuesday, May, 19 clinical psychologist Dr. Nneka Jones Tapia will be the new executive director of the Cook County Jail. Tapia testified...
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Patrone Appointed Corrections’ Mental Health Advocate

May 21, 2015
Department of Corrections Acting Secretary John Wetzel, today, announced the appointment of Lynn Patrone as the head of the DOC’s newly-created Office of Mental Health Advocate. In this capacity, Patrone reports directly to the secretary of corrections. 05/21/2015 Link to...
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Officials say zero suicides an attainable goal

May 20, 2015
With a high rate of suicide in Washington County, anything less than its complete elimination is unacceptable, according to the keynote speaker at a suicide-prevention conference in Forest Grove last Wednesday. 05/20/2015 Link to Source
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Video illustrates impact of mental health conditions in Michigan

May 20, 2015
The video – “Opening Minds – Ending Stigma” – features personal stories of how mental health illness, and in some cases suicides, have affected relatives and several well-known politicians, executives, soldiers, policemen, judges and average folks of all ages in...
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AROUND TOWN: Grassroots NAMI helps the community recognize mental illness

May 20, 2015
At the “Embracing the Light” community breakfast, a fundraiser for National Alliance on Mental Illness, executive director Lori Jarvis-Steinwert said, “We underestimate how many people have a personal experience with mental illness in their lives, either their own mental health...
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Youth Mental Health First Aid helps Elkhart Community Schools’ staff identify, aid kids with mental illness

May 19, 2015
The statistics are staggering — in a given year, 20 percent of youth ages 13 to 18 have mental or addictive disorders. That’s one in five, folks. Stigma and misunderstanding are often associated with mental health problems. Normal adolescent development is tough...
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