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Sean Maitner: Michigan mental health system is failing us

July 14, 2015
My name is Sean Maitner. I am a mental health worker, a Certified Mental Health First Aid Instructor, a graduate student at a local university, a recovering alcoholic with seven years of sobriety, a husband, father and a person with a psychiatric...
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Gov. Nixon signs bill strengthening ability of community mental health liaisons to help Missourians

July 13, 2015
Mental health professionals who are helping Missouri communities identify and care for those with severe mental illness will have an increased ability to help those individuals, thanks to a bill signed into law today by Gov. Jay Nixon. 07/13/2015 Link...
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Mental Health First Aid can ‘change the world’

July 9, 2015
Almost everyone has completed some level of first-aid classes in their life, and, with the help of LifeSpring Health Systems, Mental Health First Aid will become as common as the original first-aid certification.  07/09/2015 Link to Source
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Helping people suffering from mental illness

July 8, 2015
Mental Health First Aid is a relatively new way for the lay person to assist someone experiencing signs or risk factors for mental illness or who is suffering from a trauma.  07/08/2015 Link to Source
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4 Ways You Can Support Veterans Living With PTSD in Your Community

July 2, 2015
With Independence Day upon us, learn some ways you can help support those who have served our country. 1)  Put it in context Although the prevalence of PTSD is higher among returning veterans than in the general population, the vast...
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4 Ways You Can Support Veterans Living With PTSD in Your Community

July 2, 2015
With Independence Day upon us, learn some ways you can help support those who have served our country. 1)  Put it in context Although the prevalence of PTSD is higher among returning veterans than in the general population, the vast...
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4 Ways You Can Support Veterans Living With PTSD in Your Community

July 2, 2015
With Independence Day upon us, learn some ways you can help support those who have served our country. 1)  Put it in context Although the prevalence of PTSD is higher among returning veterans than in the general population, the vast...
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CEOs pledge to reduce mental health stigma in workplace

June 29, 2015
The leading cause of workplace disability isn’t physical injury or even the result of sickness, but rather the hidden disease of mental illness. 6/28/15 Link to Source 
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Boost Mental Health Help, Not Cut It

June 29, 2015
The Connecticut General Assembly is contemplating the fate of a two-year, $40.3 billion budget. Approved on June 3, this budget restored massive cuts to human services that were recommended by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy. 6/26/15 Link to Source 
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Investing In Improving Mental Health

June 29, 2015
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about one in every four American adults has a mental illness of some kind. Now there could be good news for them and the people who care for them. 6/27/15...
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Resources to recognize and help troubled youths

June 28, 2015
Knowing the difference between typical adolescent behavior and behavior that should be cause for concern can be difficult to assess for parents, other family members, and those who care for our youth.  06/28/2015 Link to Source 
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Oakland joins ‘Stigma-Free’ movement – Clubs and Service Organizations

June 25, 2015
The Borough Council has approved a resolution designating the municipality a Stigma-Free Zone, an initiative designed to create an environment in which residents with mental illnesses can seek help, free of judgment. 06/25/2015 Link to Source
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