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Mental health issues don’t take the day off

July 21, 2015
*Reprinted from Aetna Health Section. Mental health issues don’t stay at home. They don’t take a vacation and they seldom take a day off. Untreated, mental health problems can translate into job performance issues, workplace accidents, staff turnover and absenteeism....
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Mental health issues don’t take the day off

July 21, 2015
*Reprinted from Aetna Health Section. Mental health issues don’t stay at home. They don’t take a vacation and they seldom take a day off. Untreated, mental health problems can translate into job performance issues, workplace accidents, staff turnover and absenteeism....
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Mental health issues don’t take the day off

July 21, 2015
*Reprinted from Aetna Health Section. Mental health issues don’t stay at home. They don’t take a vacation and they seldom take a day off. Untreated, mental health problems can translate into job performance issues, workplace accidents, staff turnover and absenteeism....
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Becoming aware of mental illness: Law requires training for police, judges

July 21, 2015
The law requires that district judges and police receive training in mental health, autism and intellectual disabilities, all of which can affect a person’s behavior and interactions with law enforcement. Mr. Caltagirone said he wants police and court officials to...
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Suicide risk high among Bhutanese immigrants in central Ohio

July 20, 2015
Columbus officials knew the staggering statistic: More than 50 Bhutanese refugees have killed themselves since the U.S. started resettling them in 2008. 07/20/2015 Link to Source
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Mental health issues don’t take the day off

July 20, 2015
Mental health issues don’t stay at home. They don’t take a vacation and they seldom take a day off. Untreated, mental health problems can translate into job performance issues, workplace accidents, staff turnover and absenteeism. Depression alone is estimated to...
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Pa. corrections workers finish first phase of mental health training

July 20, 2015
About a quarter of Pennsylvania prison inmates have some mental health issue, and now the state Department of Corrections is moving to get them the help they need. 07/20/2015 Link to Source
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Madison School District Receives $4 Million Mental Health Grant

July 19, 2015
Madison School District has learned they’ve been awarded a four year, $4 million dollar mental health expansion grant. 07/19/2015 Link to Source
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Mental Health Awareness Training Included in Major Education Reauthorization

July 16, 2015
Bipartisan legislation to support mental health awareness programs for school personnel was approved by the U.S. Senate as an amendment to the Every Child Achieves Act (S. 1177). The amendment is based on the Mental Health First Aid Act (S....
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Mental Health Awareness Training Included in Major Education Reauthorization

July 16, 2015
Bipartisan legislation to support mental health awareness programs for school personnel was approved by the U.S. Senate as an amendment to the Every Child Achieves Act (S. 1177). The amendment is based on the Mental Health First Aid Act (S....
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Northvale joins stigma-free movement

July 16, 2015
The governing body is joining a county-wide movement that seeks to dispel myths relating to individuals living with mental illnesses. 07/16/2015 Link to Source
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GE Donates $3,000 to Mental Health America of Roanoke Valley

July 16, 2015
GE is donating $3,000 to Mental Health America of Roanoke Valley (MHARV) to support educational programs focused on teen and veteran suicide prevention. 07/16/2015 Link to Source
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