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Demi Lovato Sunovion Pharmaceuticals Inc And Leading Advocacy Organizations Call On Americans To Join Be Vocal Initiative By Speaking Up For Mental

October 5, 2015
“Tomorrow I will join other mental health advocates in our nation’s capital as we speak up to raise the volume and urgency for real change in how we treat mental health in this country.” Lovato will attend the National Council for...
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Australian motorcyclists finish cross-country charity ride in L.A.

October 3, 2015
Mayor Eric Garcetti, Australian Consulate officials and representatives from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing welcomed participants of the Black Dog Ride, which made 21 stops in 14 states to spread the word about Mental Health First Aid. Read more.
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Rice County schools prepared to handle students’ mental health issues

October 3, 2015
The first full week of October marks the 25th annual Mental Illness Awareness week, and schools in Rice County are ready to help those who may be suffering. 10/03/2015 Link to Source
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Over 60 Aussie motorcyclists ride across U.S. for mental health

October 2, 2015
The group helped fund Mental Health First Aid, a program that trains veterans and first responders on how to interact with someone suffering from mental health issues, which has now been adopted in the U.S. Read more.
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ALGEE-OMETER: A State-by-State Count of First Aiders Trained

October 2, 2015
More than 440,000 First Aiders in the US Trained by more than 8,000 Instructors
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Senate HELP Committee Moves on Mental Health, Addictions Legislation

October 1, 2015
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee turned its attention to mental health and addictions legislation this week, voting on and approving two bills and scheduling a hearing for a third later this month. These efforts are an...
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Senate HELP Committee Moves on Mental Health, Addictions Legislation

October 1, 2015
The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee turned its attention to mental health and addictions legislation this week, voting on and approving two bills and scheduling a hearing for a third later this month. These efforts are an...
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Spencer-Thomas ’89 reminds prevalence of mental health issues on college campuses

October 1, 2015
Spencer-Thomas delivered a talk last Wednesday night highlighting the prevalence of mental health issues on college campuses. Spencer-Thomas is the CEO and founder of the Carson J. Spencer Foundation, an organization that aims to prevent suicide, raise awareness about mental...
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Walkers take to the streets to fight suicide

September 30, 2015
The Westport Out of the Darkness Walk is one of more than 350 Out of the Darkness Community Walks being held nationwide this fall. The walks are expected to unite more than 150,000 walkers and raise millions for suicide prevention...
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Bedford Police wins grant to help mental illness

September 28, 2015
The three-year grant will provide partial funding for training in mental health first aid and provide the services of a psychiatric clinician to be shared among the eight towns which report to the Concord District Court. 09/28/2015 Link to Source
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Tragic news from the Black Dog Ride. (9/26)

September 26, 2015
It is with deep sorrow that Black Dog Ride informs the Black Dog Ride community that West Australian motorcycle riders Steve and Barbara Thomas, who were participating in the Black Dog Ride across America, were involved in a fatal accident...
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VIDEO: Black Dog Ride Kickoff

September 26, 2015
It’s estimated that 350 million people around the world suffer from depression, an illness that claims more than 2500 Australian lives each year.
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