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Breaking the Silence: One Cop’s Story of Hope and Courage | Part I

October 23, 2017
“If I don’t tell you something, I’m going to kill myself.” I said these words to my then-wife in the fall of 1995. I had been working for my police department for nine years and had been a police sergeant...
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Restoring Community in an Interconnected, But Lonely, World

October 20, 2017
“We are in community each time we find a place where we belong.” — Peter Block Our young people are hurting. Members of the generation born between 1995 and 2012 – which psychologist Jean Twenge calls iGen –– are increasingly...
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Why Running Is So Good for Your Brain

October 18, 2017
The fact that running is good for cardiovascular health is now conventional wisdom. That running is good for the brain, on the other hand? Not as much. Yet increasingly, there’s a case to be made for running purely on the...
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Fostering a Mental Health Ministry

September 26, 2017
I immediately saw the need when I heard about Mental Health First Aid from a church member. As a pastor, I encounter various individuals who are touched by mental health crises, directly or indirectly. I’ve now taken both regular first...
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ALGEE In Action: Helping a Friend In Need

September 21, 2017
I never expected to put the things I learned from Mental Health First Aid to use so soon. As a psychology student at Brigham Young University, the training seemed like a great opportunity for me to supplement my classwork with...
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Even Teachers Need To Be Taught

September 19, 2017
Teachers today are called upon to do much more than just teach their area of expertise, whether its math or English, art or football. Teachers often play a critical role in the lives of children beyond the classroom. They can...
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Confronting Mental Health at School: A Success Story

September 11, 2017
On her good days, Michelle was a ray of sunshine. On her not-so-good days, she was withdrawn, agitated and erratic. No matter what her mood, the glimmer in her eye was always radiating. She was an avid reader, writer and...
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How to #BeTheDifference On and Off the Field

September 6, 2017
Visualize this: a college student athlete lies on a soccer field with a broken leg. Of course, she gets immediate attention from her teammates, trainers and coaches. A specific protocol is in place for how to deal with this type...
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A Singapore Train Rolls Out Mental Health Awareness Campaign

August 29, 2017
All aboard! Even in transit, a commuter train is on track to break down social stigma related to mental health. (“Themed train aims to get family and friends to help those with mental health conditions,” The Straits Times, July 17,...
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Changing Lives Through Mental Health First Aid Trainings

August 25, 2017
This article originally appeared in Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation’s Born Brave Blog. Read the original post here. “Thank you for being part of a community capacity-building program that empowers laypeople to show concern and kindness so that any...
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More Than Just the Baby Blues: Postpartum Depression

August 23, 2017
I knew the birth of my children would change me as a person, but I had no idea it would completely turn my world upside down. It was terrifying and overwhelming, and I can confidently say it was the most...
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Pleas to Stop Bullying Go Unanswered with Deadly Results

August 14, 2017
“You can’t always stop a bully, but you can reach out to someone being bullied so they don’t feel so alone.” —From Dianne Grossman’s Facebook page Mallory Grossman was a 12-year-old cheerleader and gymnast whose smile lit up a room....
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