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Extending My Son’s Legacy With Mental Health First Aid

February 2, 2018
I am a mom and a suicide loss survivor. The tragic loss of my 26-year-old son, Jared Coffin, almost three years ago, has been devastating. However, amidst this devastation and loss, I developed a strong desire to raise awareness about...
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Can a Healthy Lifestyle Make You Better at Your Job?

January 31, 2018
This article originally appeared on Read the original post here. These healthy habits can have a big impact on your professional performance to keep you and your small business running smoothly. Being successful at work requires focus, commitment, dedication and...
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Polls Show Americans Understand the Opioid Crisis but Blame People with Addiction

January 26, 2018
There is good news and bad news in poll findings from the Kaiser Family Foundation and Washington Post’s investigation into the public opinion of the use of prescription opioids (“Public opinion on the use and abuse of prescription opioids,” The...
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When Scrolling Through Social, Keep Your Mental Health in Mind

January 24, 2018
Instagram is now the second most popular social media platform, but it was ranked the worst for young people’s mental health last year. Whether you just joined or are a long-time user, slight changes in how you use the app...
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Rural Mental Health Is Lacking, but Mental Health First Aid Can Help

January 22, 2018
Before he turned his farmhouse into an inn open only on holidays, Jim Hardy (played by Bing Crosby in the 1942 classic film Holiday Inn) imagined a bucolic country life. But the reality of farming landed Jim in a “sanitarium.”...
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Facing a Mental Health Challenge? There’s a Resource for That

January 17, 2018
One in five Americans will experience a mental illness in their lifetime, and more than 20 million Americans ages 12 and older will experience an addiction. Despite the high rate of mental illness and substance use in the U.S., there...
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Healthy Ways to Improve Your Mental Well-Being in 2018

January 11, 2018
Now that we’ve rung in 2018, it’s time to say goodbye to negativity from the previous year and refocus on setting healthy goals for the new year. We know it can be easy to neglect your own well-being because of...
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Live, Live: Small Reasons to Survive in 2018

January 8, 2018
In 2017, I ditched the resolutions, which was a wise move. Here I quote myself, from less than a year ago: “I’m going to allow myself to make mistakes. Instead of being so pressured and focused on making a perfect...
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LGBQ Youth Face High Risk of Suicide

December 29, 2017
LGBQ adolescents are far more likely to plan or attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts, according to 2015 survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A national sample of almost 16,000 high school students aged 14 to...
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This is Opioid Addiction

December 22, 2017
“They just wanted to stop hurting.” — Jennifer Tafoya, whose 19-year-old stepdaughter, Dominique, died from an opioid overdose They ranged in age from 19 to 56. One was a high school football standout whose Mom was his biggest fan. Another...
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Feeling SAD? It Could be Seasonal Affective Disorder

December 15, 2017
Have you or anyone you know experienced depression that coincided with the changing of seasons? Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), more commonly referred to as seasonal depression, or major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, is depression that strikes predominantly in the...
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Reaching Across the Divide This Holiday Season

December 13, 2017
We are all so much together, but we are dying of loneliness –Albert Schweitzer It wouldn’t be the holidays without endless rounds of shopping, baking and parties, or without advice about how to cope with the stress of endless rounds...
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