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Stories, thoughts, and reflections from Mental Health First Aid

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August 8, 2018

5 Things to Know for Supporting a Loved One Living…

Your patience and understanding will make all the difference in your loved one’s bipolar disorder treatment and recovery—these tried and…

Bipolar Disorder, Guest Commentary, News
August 6, 2018

6 Ways to Support Your College Student’s Mental Health

College marks a new beginning in a child’s life – for many it’s the first tentative steps away from the…

Be The Difference, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
August 2, 2018

#BeTheDifference This Back-to-School Season

As a trained Mental Health First Aider, you know that mental illness and substance use disorders are prevalent. And that’s…

Be The Difference, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
August 1, 2018

5 Signs Your Teen May Be Asking for Help

Michaela is a high school sophomore. She’s a straight A student, excels as point guard on the girls’ basketball team,…

Be The Difference, News, Youth Mental Health
July 31, 2018

15 Activities for Your Summer Self-Care Checklist

Summer is a great time to think about self-care. With long sunny days and warmer weather, there are more opportunities…

Be The Difference, News, Self-Care
July 30, 2018

Starting the Conversation: Mental Health First Aid at Work

This piece was originally published on Linda’s Corner Office blog. Read it here. How we spend our days is, of course, how…

Be The Difference, Guest Commentary, News, Workplace
July 25, 2018

Depression in Older Adults: How to Help

Our beloved America is in constant mourning over the many people who have lost their lives to suicide. From celebrity…

Be The Difference, Depression, Guest Commentary, Men, News, Suicide
July 23, 2018

4 Things to Know About Depression in Men

The Rock. Prince Harry. Logic. Ryan Reynolds. Michael Phelps. Kevin Love. Brandon Marshall. These famous men have courageously opened up about…

Be The Difference, Depression, Men, News
July 18, 2018

Understanding Depression: What It Is, Who Is at Risk and…

With an estimated 16.2 million adults in the United States experiencing at least one major depressive episode in a given…

Be The Difference, Depression, News
July 16, 2018

4 Self-Care Tips for How to Deal with Anxiety Yes

Anxiety disorders are the most common type of mental illness in the United States, affecting 40 million adults each year.…

Anxiety, Be The Difference, News, Self-Care
July 13, 2018

Caring for the Whole Person: Body, Mind and Soul

For more than a decade, I was a global advocate for people living with HIV/AIDS. Sadly, I grew accustomed to…

Faith Communities, Guest Commentary, News
July 11, 2018

Addressing Mental Health is Critical to Treating Physical Illness

Unless you’ve experienced it firsthand, it’s nearly impossible to understand the emotional impact receiving a poor physical prognosis can have…

Depression, Guest Commentary, Health Care, News