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Let’s get ready for your upcoming Mental Health First Aid INTRO training!

To ensure a successful training experience for everyone, please follow the instructions below to copy, customize and share the following messages with learners at/within the recommended time frames:

Email #1 – Recruiting Learners: To be shared if recruiting select learners for an upcoming Certification course and Intro is solely a prerequisite.


Step one – Subject line: Copy the following subject line and paste it into the subject field of a new message.

You’re Invited: Mental Health First Aid at Work Intro

Step two – Banner image: Right-click (or CTRL-click, on a Mac) the banner image below, copy it and paste it into the top of the body of your message.

MHFA banner in green

Step three – Email copy: Copy the following message and paste it into the body of the new message, just below the banner image. (In Outlook, you may need to press enter between some paragraphs to add a line space.)

You’re Invited!

We thank you for taking the first step to #BeTheDifference in the workplace by completing Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Intro.

In this MHFA course, you will:

  • Recognize and respond to mental health or substance use challenges.
  • Reduce mental health stigma.
  • Build a resilient mindset.
  • Increase self-care.

Registration/Application Instructions:

[Insert company-specific registration instructions.]

Be on the lookout for more information on next steps following your MHFA at Work Intro + Certification registration.

Questions? Contact your organization’s Coordinator at ___________________.

Step four – Edit: Edit the copy to include the appropriate course information.

Step five – Send: Add email addresses for those you wish to invite to the training and select Send.

Email #2 – Getting Started: To be shared when offering Intro to a broad group in your organization.

Step one – Subject line: Copy the following subject line and paste it into the subject field of a new message.

Welcome to Mental Health First Aid at Work – Intro!

Step two – Banner image: Right-click (or CTRL-click, on a Mac) the banner image below, copy it and paste it into the top of the body of your message.

MHFA banner in green

Step three – Email copy: Copy the following message and paste it into the body of the new message, just below the banner image. (In Outlook, you may need to press enter between some paragraphs to add a line space.)

Welcome to Mental Health First Aid at Work – Intro!

We thank you for taking the first step to #BeTheDifference in the workplace by completing Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Intro.

In this MHFA course, you will:

  • Recognize and respond to mental health or substance use challenges.
  • Reduce mental health stigma.
  • Build a resilient mindset.
  • Increase self-care.

To begin, be on the lookout for an enrollment email from to register for your MHFA Intro training on MHFA Connect at Work. Then, follow instructions to access your self-paced elearning course.

Questions? Contact your organization’s Coordinator. For technical support, please review this Intro tutorial video or use the request assistance form.

Step four – Send: Add your learners’ email addresses and select Send.

Email #3 – Reminder: To be shared when an organization’s deadline is approaching.

Step one – Subject line: Copy the following subject line and paste it into the subject line of a new message.

The deadline for your Mental Health First Aid at Work Intro training is just around the corner!

Step two – Banner image: Right-click (or CTRL-click, on a Mac) the banner image below, copy it and paste it into the top of the body of your message.

MHFA banner in green

Step three – Email copy: Copy the following message and paste it into the body of the new message, just below the banner image. (In Outlook, you may need to press enter between some paragraphs to add a line space.)

The deadline for your Mental Health First Aid Intro training is on [DATE].

Have you checked off all the course requirements?

orange icon showing a box with a checkmark in itRegister on MHFA Connect at Work.

orange icon showing a box with a checkmark in itComplete all modules, including the exam and evaluation.

orange icon showing a box with a checkmark in itDownload resources and journal entries for your reference, as needed.

Thank you for taking the first step to #BeTheDifference in the workplace!

Questions? Contact your organization’s Coordinator. For technical support, please use the request assistance form.

Step four – Edit: Edit the copy to include the appropriate course information.

Step five – Send: Add your learners’ email addresses and select Send.

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