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Youth Mental Health

teens smiling and talking in a group
teens smiling and talking in a group
May 31, 2022

How to Talk to Your Teen About Tobacco Use

Tobacco use has often been portrayed as harmless, something the “cool” kids do, especially in popular TV shows aimed at…

Mental Health Month, Substance Use, Teen Mental Health, Youth Mental Health
October 25, 2021

How to Help a Friend Who Is Being Bullied

Bullying is not an unfamiliar concept, especially for nearly 20 percent of students aged 12-18. According to the Mental Health…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Teen Mental Health, Youth Mental Health
September 7, 2021

Youth Suicide: How to Help with Mental Health First Aid

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a devastating toll – especially on our youth. Emerging data suggests that depression and suicide…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Suicide, Youth Mental Health
August 16, 2021

Back to School: Five Ways to Support Your Children

Your children may be excited to return to school after a long summer – or even a year of online…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
August 9, 2021

How to Help a Friend Online

It can be hard (or nearly impossible) for some of us to imagine not having our smartphone in our hands…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Technology, Teen Mental Health, Youth Mental Health
August 3, 2021

Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID-19

There is no doubt that the last year and half has been difficult, and the COVID-19 pandemic changed what many…

Anxiety, COVID-19, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Self-Care...
May 24, 2021

Voices of Mental Health First Aid: Working Together to Support…

Mental health has always been a focus in my life, starting with my own struggles as an adolescent. As such,…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
May 21, 2021

Voices of Mental Health First Aid: Youth Mental Health First…

In December 2020, I took a Youth Mental Health First Aid class. This training teaches parents, teachers and other adults how to…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Youth Mental Health
September 22, 2020

How Youth MHFA Can Help During and After COVID-19

COVID-19 is impacting people of all ages across the country, including children and youth. Kids are not attending classes, participating…

COVID-19, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
September 16, 2020

Five Ways You Can Help Youth Take Care of Their…

Starting a new school year is an exciting time but can also be a stressful one. Preparing for a new…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
September 8, 2020

#BeTheDifference for Young People with Youth MHFA

We often talk about mental health challenges as if they’re only faced by adults. However, youth and young adults also…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Youth Mental Health
September 3, 2020

How Youth Mental Health First Aid Helps Our Community Grow…

Our community is experiencing stressors like we haven’t seen in our lifetime. — and we can become stronger as a…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Youth Mental Health