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August 3, 2021

Coping with Back-to-School Anxiety During COVID-19

There is no doubt that the last year and half has been difficult, and the COVID-19 pandemic changed what many…

Anxiety, COVID-19, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Self-Care...
May 24, 2021

Voices of Mental Health First Aid: Working Together to Support…

Mental health has always been a focus in my life, starting with my own struggles as an adolescent. As such,…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, Mental Health Month, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
March 5, 2021

“Get That Sh*t Out”: Bioré® Skincare, National Council for Mental…

Bioré® Skincare, the beloved brand famous for its pore strips, is embarking on a new campaign in partnership with the National…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Partnerships, Press Releases, Schools
September 22, 2020

How Youth MHFA Can Help During and After COVID-19

COVID-19 is impacting people of all ages across the country, including children and youth. Kids are not attending classes, participating…

COVID-19, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
September 16, 2020

Five Ways You Can Help Youth Take Care of Their…

Starting a new school year is an exciting time but can also be a stressful one. Preparing for a new…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Youth Mental Health
September 26, 2019

Why Are We Afraid of Mental Health?

Eventually we have to ask ourselves, “Why are we afraid of mental health?” As my high school experience came to…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
September 26, 2019

teen Mental Health First Aid Taught Me How to Save…

I wanted to help them. I wanted to say something. But, what could I do? What could I say? When…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
September 24, 2019

How To Ask An Adult For Help Yes

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, call 9-1-1, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health, The "Awkward" Conversation
June 24, 2019

tMHFA is a “Game Changer” Yes

I’ve never been embarrassed or felt shame about catching a cold or getting the flu. I remember having countless sports…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 19, 2019

Why Teen Mental Health Needs to be Addressed Yes

“It’s not really ‘normal’ to talk about mental health with people. Being able to help everyone know about mental health…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 19, 2019

The Importance of teen Mental Health First Aid

I have been a counselor for 15 years and have watched teens struggle with anxiety and depression. I have lost…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 14, 2019

Breaking the Misconceptions of Mental Health

Valley High School has been a part of the wellness movement for a couple years here in Las Vegas but…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health