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November 7, 2014

West Michigan schools stand to benefit from state’s $13 million…

The Kent Intermediate School District is among key state partners for a five-year, $1.9 million Project AWARE grant announced Friday, Nov. 7.…

November 7, 2014

MI News Wire – Michigan Granted Nearly $13 million for…

Nearly $13 million in federal grants will be used in Michigan schools to improve students’ health and safety, the Michigan…

November 7, 2014

Mental health first-aid training offered

… Coastal Plain Learning Council will offer mental health first–aid training for those who work with youth in Full Text…

November 7, 2014

Michigan Granted Nearly $13 Million for School Health and Safety

grant to provide Youth Mental Health First Aid training in our schools is a tremendous step in our effort ……

November 6, 2014

Medication Restrictions Significantly Affect Mental Health Treatment Outcomes | Press…

A new study administered by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) and…

November 6, 2014

National Education Campaign Comes to Ocean County through Local Agency:…

Mental Health First Aid, MHFA, isn’t as familiar or commonly known as CPR, but a national public education program aims…

November 6, 2014

KDE Receives Five-Year, $8.1 Million Mental Health Training Grant

… addition to increasing mental health literacy through Youth Mental Health First Aid training Full Text Outlet:  Targeted News Service Publication…

November 4, 2014

Mental health funding discussed on day of shooting – Federal…

On the day that a 15-year-old boy at Marysville-Pilchuck High School near Seattle shot five friends before turning the gun…

November 3, 2014

ALGEE-ometer: A State-by-State Count of First Aiders Trained

This map outlines the total number of people trained in Mental Health First Aid, by state, through October 2014. Figures…

November 3, 2014

DOE receives federal funds to enhance safety, mental health initiatives

… allow teachers to attend Youth Mental Health First Aid, which trains educators to detect mental health … Full Text…

November 3, 2014

Plans for Marysville school grant stepped up

… spring, and training teachers in mental–health first aid.Planning will start even sooner.”We’ll be up … Full Text Outlet:  Seattle Times…

November 2, 2014

Reidsville Area Foundation awards grants

Services – Support Start-up of Mental Health First Aid Classes. $2,450 Aging, Disability and Transit … Full Text Outlet:  Reidsville Review…
