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August 26, 2019

Three Ways to Get Mental Health Help Anonymously

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, call 9-1-1 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care, The "Awkward" Conversation
August 22, 2019

Why Healthy Friendships are Important for Mental Health

When Ethan Call’s usually reliable friend didn’t come to church services, he was worried and texted her. She responded that…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News
August 20, 2019

Talking to Your Family About Mental Health Yes

Mental health can be hard to talk about, and sometimes it’s hardest to talk about with the people we’re closest…

Mental Health First Aid, News, The "Awkward" Conversation
August 15, 2019

Four Tips for Nonjudgmental Listening

It’s hard to be nonjudgmental all the time. We automatically make judgments about people from the minute we first see…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News, The "Awkward" Conversation
August 13, 2019

How to Practice Self-care on a Busy Schedule

You’re making a difference for so many people, but how can you be the difference for yourself? You can practice…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care
August 8, 2019

How to Support a Loved One Who’s Going Through a…

One in five adults experience a mental illness in a given year. Unfortunately, many of these individuals are not well…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News
July 2, 2019

How You Can Help A Friend in Crisis Yes

If you or someone you know is considering suicide, call 9-1-1, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255),…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Teen Mental Health
June 26, 2019

Five Tips to Help Teens Cope with Stress Yes

“More than nine in 10 Generation Z adults (ages 15-21) said they have experienced at least one physical or emotional…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care, Teen Mental Health
June 24, 2019

tMHFA is a “Game Changer” Yes

I’ve never been embarrassed or felt shame about catching a cold or getting the flu. I remember having countless sports…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 21, 2019

Entertainers Remind Us That We’re Not Alone

You are not alone. Even though it can be hard to believe it when you’re faced with a mental health…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News
June 19, 2019

Why Teen Mental Health Needs to be Addressed Yes

“It’s not really ‘normal’ to talk about mental health with people. Being able to help everyone know about mental health…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News, Schools, Teen Mental Health
June 19, 2019

Three Ways to Use Social Media Positively

“While notable shares [of teens] say they at times feel overwhelmed by the drama on social media and pressure to…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Technology, Teen Mental Health