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January 2, 2014

2014: Estimating Real Change in Healthcare

“We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur…

Health Care, News
January 2, 2014

2014: Estimating Real Change in Healthcare

“We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur…

Health Care, Mental Health First Aid, News
January 2, 2014

Dr. Barowsky Of Greenwich Hospital Discusses Mental Health On Podcast

Dr. Jeremy Barowsky, a psychiatrist at the Behavioral Health Center at Greenwich Hospital, was a guest on a WGCH Radio…

January 1, 2014

Crisis Solution is Required by the State

Beginning today, all behavioral-health providers are required to have a treatment and crisis plan in place for individuals diagnosed at…

December 30, 2013

Mental Health First Aid Program Trains People to Spot Cues…

Treating the first signs of a mental health crisis could eventually become as common as administering CPR. Transitions of Western…

News, Youth Mental Health
December 30, 2013

Joanne Kelly: Suicide Prevention Programs to Help Faith Communities

In Susan Marine’s guest commentary (“Suicide as a major public health problem,” Dec. 20), she articulates the harsh realities of…

newton and mental health
newton and mental health
December 28, 2013

After Newtown, Building A Stronger System Of Mental Health Services

Building on momentum generated by the Newtown shootings, advocates for mental health services hope to make strides next year on…

News, Youth Mental Health
December 24, 2013

Chamisal resident named a ‘Hero of Health’

Chamisal resident Juliana Anastasoff has been named the Con Alma Foundation’s 2013 Hero of Health. Anastasoff was key, for example, in…

December 5, 2013

Sandy Hook: One Year Later, Time for Action

A year has come and gone. And during this holiday season, it’s hard to think of those 20 innocent children…

December 5, 2013

Sandy Hook: One Year Later, Time for Action

A year has come and gone. And during this holiday season, it’s hard to think of those 20 innocent children…

December 5, 2013

Sandy Hook: One Year Later, Time for Action

A year has come and gone. And during this holiday season, it’s hard to think of those 20 innocent children…

Mental Health First Aid, News
December 2, 2013

‘The CPR of mental health’: Mental health first aid training…

WILLMAR — When Val Swanson took a class in mental health first aid, the lesson that hit home the most…
