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June 12, 2017

A Tragic Plea for More Mental Health Training for Law…

When Desmond Phillip was shot and killed by two Chico, Calif., police officers, the city’s police department was not prepared…

Be The Difference, News, Public Safety
June 9, 2017

First Responders at Elevated Risk for Mental Health Challenges

In a nationwide survey of more than 2,000 first responders, 85 percent reported mental health symptoms. One-third reported clinical diagnoses…

Be The Difference, News, Public Safety
June 6, 2017

Warning: Baby Boomers and Retirement Don’t Mix

We all dream about retirement – finally doing all the things we’ve wanted to do but never had time. But…

Be The Difference, Depression, Men, News, Suicide
June 5, 2017

The Difference Between Sadness and Depression

Sadness is a normal part of the human emotional spectrum—we all experience it from time to time. When we lose…

Depression, News, Youth Mental Health
May 30, 2017

Working With Stigma

It’s tough working in the service industry. Uncompromising employers, workplace harassment and poor communication all too often affect worker’s sense…

Anxiety, Be The Difference, News
May 25, 2017

Giants’ Brandon Marshall was literally a lifesaver for suffering young…

Giants wide receiver Brandon Marshall is doing bigger work off the field than anything he’s accomplished on the gridiron during a Hall…

May 22, 2017

Bill to Provide Mental Health First Aid Training for University…

AUSTIN – Senate Bill 1533, which will extend mental health first aid training (MHFA) for university employees, has passed both…

May 22, 2017

More TPD officers to receive training in Mental Health First…

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) – More Tucson Police Department officers will learn how to deal with suspects who may…

May 22, 2017

It’s Not Just Chris Cornell: Suicide Rates Highest Among Middle-Aged…

I by MARY EMILY O’HARA The news that 52-year-old Seattle grunge rock icon Chris Cornell had killed himself after a…

May 21, 2017

One Million People Trained in Mental Health First Aid Nationwide

“In a nation facing a crisis in care for people with mental illnesses and addictions, widespread training in Mental Health…

Be 1 in a Million, News, Press Releases
March 30, 2017

Mental Health First Aid Heads to Capitol Hill

On Friday, March 24, the National Council for Mental Wellbeing hosted briefings on Capitol Hill to address the importance of…
