30 Courses Later, Sarah Haupt’s Passion for Teaching Older Adults…
Having taught over 30 MHFA, MHFA instructor Sarah Haupt recently reflected on her special connection with the older adult community.
Having taught over 30 MHFA, MHFA instructor Sarah Haupt recently reflected on her special connection with the older adult community.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and this year, we invite you to take four ways forward for mental health.
Mental Health First Aid’s (MHFA) main goal is to teach individuals how to identify, understand and respond to signs and…
Media Contact Irene Tung IreneT@TheNationalCouncil.org 771-215-5853 Washington, D.C. (April 15, 2024) – In a ceremony held at the Mental Health…
Everyday, our Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) community powers our mission of ensuring that mental wellbeing is a reality for…
Use these tips to move your workplace away from routine stress and toward resiliency.
The 2024 MHFA Summit and NatCon24 will connect you with countless people from across the country, including experts in our field…
The National Council for Mental Wellbeing today announced a new training program to help employers reduce the negative impact of…
For Seva Reilly, becoming a Mental Health First Aider has been a transformative tool, enabling her to support her colleagues…
It’s essential to create a thriving workforce with engaged employees. That’s where Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) at Work courses…
January is Mental Wellness Month – the perfect time to recharge and prioritize your mental health, while encouraging others to…
For some, the start of the year is a prime opportunity to wipe the slate clean and set goals. For…