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Mental Health First Aid

young black woman stands in front of a blue wall smiling joyfully
young black woman stands in front of a blue wall smiling joyfully
July 5, 2023

How to Ward Off the Sunday Scaries

It can feel like a pit in your stomach. Or maybe it makes your heart flutter. Sometimes, it can escalate…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care, Wellbeing, Workplace
men sitting in a circle of chairs talking with an American flag behind them
men sitting in a circle of chairs talking with an American flag behind them
June 21, 2023

Offer Support to Military, Veterans and Their Families with MHFA

Anthony Campbell admits he used to be a “yeller.” Whether it was the way he was raised or his military…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, PTSD, Veterans
young black male firefighter stands in front of a firetruck
young black male firefighter stands in front of a firetruck
June 14, 2023

To the Fire/EMS Community: Help and Hope Are There

On the East Coast, the place where firefighters reside is called a firehouse. On the West Coast, it’s called a…

Be The Difference, Fire/EMS, Mental Health First Aid
group of people walking outside with their arms linked
group of people walking outside with their arms linked
May 18, 2023

25 Small, Powerful Ways to Take Action for Mental Health

Taking charge of your mental health doesn’t have to mean drastic lifestyle changes. In fact, the smaller the shift, the…

Be The Difference, Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care
two young women walk outside on a path and talk
two young women walk outside on a path and talk
May 17, 2023

Bringing Mental Health Awareness to Teens in Rural Communities

I always thought I knew the best way to have a conversation with people. I have three kids, so I…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health First Aid, News, Teen Mental Health, Youth Mental Health
three smiling people look at a presenter
three smiling people look at a presenter
May 12, 2023

Take Your Own Advice: A MHFA National Trainer’s Lived Experience

I started my mental health journey when I was hired at a Centerstone of Illinois clinic as a residential support…

Guest Commentary, Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health First Aid, News
teacher works with students in a classroom
teacher works with students in a classroom
May 1, 2023

The Key to Helping Students: Listen with an Open Heart

I work at an alternative school for middle and high school students. To say my training in Youth Mental Health…

Be The Difference, Guest Commentary, Mental Health Awareness Month, Mental Health First Aid, News
hands clapping
hands clapping
May 1, 2023

National Council for Mental Wellbeing Honors 2023 Mental Health First…

Media Contact Irene Tung 771-215-5853 Washington, D.C. (May 1, 2023) – In a ceremony held at the Mental Health…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Partnerships, Press Releases
daughter standing and father in a wheelchair smile at each other
daughter standing and father in a wheelchair smile at each other
April 17, 2023

Supporting the Supporters: The Sandwich Generation

Caring for aging parents while raising a family can be challenging. As their child, you feel pressure to care for…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Older Adults, Self-Care
woman sitting on her bed and writing in a journal
woman sitting on her bed and writing in a journal
April 3, 2023

3 Steps to Creating Healthy Boundaries

One more email. One more text. One more date on the calendar. It’s shocking how one more can quickly become…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Self-Care, Wellbeing
group of smiling teens showing each other stuff on their cell phones
group of smiling teens showing each other stuff on their cell phones
March 28, 2023

Helping Teens Build Healthy Social Media Habits

How teenagers manage and use social media is a complicated topic. Sure, social media can be a valuable tool and…

Mental Health First Aid, News, Technology, Teen Mental Health, Youth Mental Health
a mother and young daughter face each other
a mother and young daughter face each other
March 7, 2023

How to Talk to Kids About Mental Health

Having a serious conversation about mental health with a young person can be challenging, to say the least. How do…

Be The Difference, Mental Health First Aid, News, The "Awkward" Conversation, Youth Mental Health